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I like to switch distros from time to time and remembering all of my little system tweaks becomesā€¦problematic over time. Hence, I am documenting this for myself. Maybe it will benefit you too, dear reader.

I have a large SSD I use as my system disk and it annoys me greatly when Steam installs itself to my home folder. Yes, it is a larger disk, but Iā€™d like to reap the benefits of my SSD (faster loading times) when playing games.

Luckily, it is pretty easy to move. After you install Steam, issue the following in terminal:

sudo mv ~/.local/share/Steam /opt
sudo chmod a+rwx /opt/Steam -R

This moves your Steam folder out of home and into opt. Then it updates the permissions to allow everyone read/write/execute access. You may not need to do that last part, but I want to make sure I donā€™t have any permissions issues when trying to install games.

Once that is done, open the Steam client and it will complain that it canā€™t find its files. Tell it to calm down and point it to the new location. This works because the Steam installer only installs a shell wrapper in /usr/bin that sets up the environment to run the Steam client from your home folder.